8D Problem Solving Process

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8D is a problem-solving methodology for product and process improvement. It is structured into eight disciplines. This course describes how to find the root cause and solve the problem when customer complaints increases and facing fatal defect.


★Learn 8 Disciplines and the correlations.
★Understand the keys of problem solving are team work and focusing on facts and data.
★On top of the techniques and tools in problem solving process
★Bring up the capability of analysis and decision making


Discipline 1 – Build The Team
Discipline 2 – Describe the Problem
Discipline 3 – Implement a Temporary Fix
Discipline 4 – Eliminate Root Cause
Discipline 5 – Select & Verify Corrective Action
Discipline 6 – Implement Permanent Fix
Discipline 7 – Stop It Happening Again
Discipline 8 – Celebrate Success


Line leader


1 day / 8 hours